Labour MPs attend National Prayer Breakfast

A number of Labour MPs attended the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast.

Each year, 700 parliamentarians and church leaders gather in Westminster to pray for the country, at an annual breakfast held by Christians in Parliament. The event is an opportunity to celebrate the church’s contribution to local communities and to recognise the role that Christian faith plays in the life of our nation.

Due to the outbreak of Covid-19, the event was held online this year, which meant many more were able to join. Over 3,000 people gathered virtually in their homes to pray for the ongoing pandemic, our leaders as they navigate the country during this time, and the vulnerable in our society who have been most affected.

At the breakfast, both the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition expressed their gratitude to faith groups who are generously serving their communities, and Bishop Graham gave a powerful message on the vital initiatives being taken by churches in the face of recent events, including Covid-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement. Musicians also came together to sing Amazing Grace – a hymn that has become a symbol of hope and peace during the pandemic.

Speaking afterwards, Labour’s Faith Envoy, Stephen Timms said: “I was delighted to see such a huge interest in the breakfast and am pleased that the difficult decision to move the event online this year meant that thousands more were able to join in with the prayers and worship. This certainly reflects the gratitude towards churches during this time, as they serve in all varieties of ways.”